Shakey's Pizza

Shakey's Pizza
Glorietta, Boracay, Tacloban, C5, Makati Square

Shakey's Pizza is not fastfood, but we treat it like one. It's everyone's pizza parlor and always pitted against Pizza Hut, but with the big differentce - it offers thin crust. Taste-wise, everything is great in Shakey's, just don't count calories. I like their mocha shakes the best, and their juicy fried chicken!

Greek Salad: Php127

Classic Spaghetti: Php104

Baked Penne: Php150

Manager's Choice Pizza: Php189

Chicken Corn Soup: Php39

Salad, Chicken & Pizza: Php121

Shakey's chirpsy fried chickens have one of the best flavors. Perfect with side potatoes and original gravy.

Bunch of Lunch combo:

Choco milkshake

Cream of Corn / Chicken & Corn Soup

Bottomless Iced Tea / Mojos & Dip

Combo: 3 slices pizza, salad, rice, chicken, mojos / Manager's Choice Solo Pizza

Mocha Shake (da best!)

Note: The Shakey's in Bora has limited supply of ingredients so their menu lacks some usual favorites.

Shakey's Pizza
Makati Cinema Square Complez,Chino Roces Ave., Makati City
Tel: (02) 811-1719


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