The Mind Museum at Taguig

The Mind Museum, Taguig:
I used to think The Mind Museum doesn't allow cameras and was too pricey. Now it's just pricey. You can now take photos just don't bring tripods. Flash photography is discouraged.
Ticket station outside. They accept credit cards, and give Senior Citizen discounts.
  • Regular Adult price: Php600
  • Senior Citizen: Php430
  • Private School Students:Php400
  • Public School Students:Php150
  • Teachers: Php150
  • All-Day Pass: Php750 (no 3-hour imit)
Science in the Park on the opposite corner. Entry fee is around Php100, I guess.
Daily tours give guests 3-hours access each. Pick your time (Daily, except Mondays):
  • 9am to12noon
  • 12noon to 3pm
  • 3pm to 6pm
  • Saturdays: 6pm to 9pm
If you walk-in around 2pm, you still have to leave by 3pm, so be aware of the time/batch you belong in. Before the remaining visitors all leave, the next batch falls in line here.
The lobby/entry area is large, bright and cozy. Souvenirs and knick knacks abound by their in-house store. they have shirts, key chains, toys, board games, etc..
Guests are invited to sit by the stairs and listen to a brief introduction by Aedi the Robot. She talks and do expressive hand signals.
Your batch will be loosely divided into 3, and your guides will take you into the one of 3 parts of the Museum, for another super briefing. Then off you go. Everyone is encouraged to explore on their own, read signs and instructions, interact with the machines, watch videos (touch screen) and learn something new.
Aedi the Robot spells Idea backwards.
One of the first exhibits is the Sulu Sulawesi Seascape. It showcases facts, figures, videos, origins of the coral triangle of rich marine ecosystem with shared protection from Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and German Federal Ministry of Environment.
The slightly slow running escalator goes to added exhibits on the 2nd floor.
The first part of the Museum is 'Earth'.
2nd part - 'Life'
3rd is 'Universe'
I love the galaxy ceiling and red lights. Fun items on display here, including an astronaut, planets, others.. Sorry I'm obviously not a good student.
The 15-minute show ala-planetarium setting is first-come, first-served basis. Show schedules are displayed outside. My personal verdict - it's kinda interesting, but not so much. A few of us snuggled with the über cold AC and fell asleep. yikes.
An elevator for your preference.
Part of the 'Earth' exhibit is this luminous globe.
This, I would say, everyone enjoyed the most. The lighting was perfect, it was huge and epic. Selfies abound.
There were interactive displays about tornadoes, volcanoes, etc..
Off to 'Life' section of the museum...
Biggie whale, but it's too unreal, not like my dino in the previous hall.
Evolution of Mammals.. Some life-like dioramas of some sort by the glass. Interesting.
Interactive brain (halved). Step on the orange labeled dots, and that part of the brain lights up.
Ummm.. cells?
Newton's Cradle
A suspended, melting chocolate. I think it's about atoms.
I like the lights. Didn't pay much attention sorry, but really, school kids would have a blast here, as evidenced by the semi-shrieks of children everywhere.
The slower escalator actually showcases various topics on your way up. I can't calculate fast enough how expensive all these screens and custom displays could be.
The second floor is an open space overlooking the ground floor.
The very vacant dining hall. Lots of tables and seats, but Kyle's Lab offers mostly drinks, some hotdogs on sticks and nuggets. More food options required. But no worries, outside the museum are rows of restaurants. It is the Fort after all.
More interactive displays. See how xray and scanner machines work. There are some arcade machines to pass time, and a lot of information (that can probably be searched on google), but presented on impressive gadgets.
Three hours would be more than enough to explore the place.
  • I enjoyed my time in The Mind Museum. There were impressive features and colorful displays in every turn. Very similar to the Science Discovery Center in Mall of Asia. 
  • If you're a bit of a slacker like me and absorbs important knowledge like a brick, the Mind Museum will be amusing enough for a lazy day out other than the mall.
  • For kids and intellectuals, it's a great field trip no less.
Mind Museum
JY Campos Park, 3rd Avenue,
Bonifacio Global City, Taguig

Tel:  909 –MIND (6463)


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