Excelente Chinese Cooked Ham

Excelente Chinese Cooked Ham had long been part of many Filipino families' Christmas tradition, but remains unknown to some. By word of mouth, several blogs, tv features, and write-ups, Excelente's succulent, juicy ham is fail-proof and highly celebrated.
Their no-fuss selling area is all business and direct. The items are displayed, staff attend to orders from the other side of the counters.
Various parts and cuts are neatly presented, fresh smelling meat with a sweet hint of pineapple.
Excelente Ham Pricelist (as of date)

  • Closing time is around 7:30pm
  • Best to walk along Echague and park your car near the bridge or from Sta. Cruz area (if you can get a spot)
155-157 Carlos Palanca St. (formerly Echague St.), Quiapo, Manila
Tel: (02) 733-6355

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