Beginners have a designated area for surfing. Our instructor took us to wide, subtly sloped area of the beach. The water hits the shore with long stretches of low waves that you can practice on.

Our instructor agreed for 2 persons to use the Php400/hour lesson, 30-minutes each. He was too quick though. From the sands, he showed us how to stand and how to position our bodies. Then kneel on one knee, balance, stand.

For a non-expert swimmer like me, I'm always cautious about the water. I looked at other students, their instructors were quite patient with them. Allowing them to get used to the swell before riding the wave. 

My instructor kept telling me to go! go! up! as soon as I'm on the board. We didn't even get to consume 1 hour. Still, it was an exciting experience and we plan on trying it again.

Just to gauge the price around the resorts, these fridge magnets go for Php200 each. In San Fernando bus terminal, magnets were priced around Php60-70 each.
Nearby restaurants also have steep rates, like Makati resto price range. Burgers around Php250, shakes for Php120+. Those were some of the cheapest.
Magellan's Restaurant and Lounge
Across Sebay surf Central, this chill-out place features clusters of food kiosks, live band, outdoor seating under the stars and dim lights.
If Php250+ burgers are too expensive for you, there's a Php50 grilled burger stand beside this joint.
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