Zoobic Safari is an interactive destination. Please bear in mind that all guests are advised to join the tour group. The tour includes a walking trail (if not raining), and tram rides. Visitors happily enjoy views of different animals while riding the tram, as a tour guide with a microphone spewing facts and trivia about each creature. The zoo is technically located in Bataan, and coming form Manila, you take Olongapo, past the SBMA, Ocean Adventure, and into the woods (and forestry), you'll find Zoobic Safari. Just follow the road signs, you won't miss them.
We arrived with voucher in hand. Regular Adult price is Php695, but we got a deal online for 50% off for Php348 each (Metrodeal). I reckon there was a limit of maximum 10 discounted tickets per buyer. There were 11 of us, but good thing the youngest was below 3ft, so he got in free.
Waiting area by the ticket counter.
Zoo bulletin info.
Zoobic Safari Map. There were a lot of X's in the itinerary, which meant we didn't get to do those. It was raining on and off so we weren't allowed to do the park walk, as well as visit the cave, lion close encounter, and bone muzooeum.
Souvenir shops
Entrance to the zoo orientation area.
Gift shop
There were other groups that day so we were gathered together for the orientation.
We were escorted next to the Serpentarium.
Snakes and reptiles galore.
Next, we watched the Aetas' presentation.
We boarded the tram next. Different animals have different living conditions. Others were fenced, others caged, while some roam the grounds freely. It helped to have a guide so you can easily spot them. Our guide was standing up almost the entire tour.
Sky Safari: Php199 / person
Forbidden Cave, which we skipped.
More souvenirs.
We were given about 20-30 minutes break at their open cafeteria of sort. There were food for sale, beverages, and of course, souvenirs.

After the break, we transferred to the truck for the Tiger Safari Ride.
After the break, we transferred to the truck for the Tiger Safari Ride.
The Tiger Safari Ride was awesome. The guide would ask the groups if they'd be willing to buy food for the tigers at Php200 each (chicken meat). Usually groups agree to split on the cost, but the group we were paired with didn't want to, so we paid for it ourselves. The guide made everyone in our group sit near the window, and the other group at the back (far from the action).
Lovely creatures. The tigers were said to be 'wild', but with their daily routine, it's obvious that they're familiar with the setup. Handlers call on them, feed them, would signal them to climb on top of the truck (they rode on top while the truck was moving for several minutes), then climb down again to be fed once more.
I thought I'd get to feed them, but no guests are allowed to do this. It's highly dangerous, and tigers would not hesitate to chomp anything they could sink their teeth into. The handler was expertly pushing the meat out while keeping all his fingers inside the caged truck.
5D Rider Virtual Ride: Php100 / person
Tiger Close Encounter. This kinda broke my heart. The whole idea of zoos does, actually. Admittedly, zoos are educational. We could never come this close to, and discover these animals if not for zoos. But of course, this is not natural for them. Signs of depression can be seen from the restless tigers, roaming endlessly inside their cages.
Fancy pigs shagging.
Croc feed Php50 each.
This was the last stop, so everyone took their time gawking at the chubby crocodiles. They looked healthy and dandy.
Croc pond.
Horseback Riding (near the entrance / exit).
- Tour took about 2 - 2.5 hours.
- Food is not allowed to be brought inside the premises. We stocked our lunch in our van and ate there.
- The whole tour was guided, from the moment we entered, to the orientation, tram ride, and after the croc-loco, the tram went straight to the parking lot to drop us all off. There's basically no time for anyone to loiter around the zoo on their own.
Ilanin Forest West (Morong, Bataan)
Subic Bay Freeport Zone
Telefax: (+6347) 252-2272; (+63) 929-7072222
Hours: 8AM to 4PM
Great post & picture collection is amazing.