Central Azucarera de Bais

We decided to visit this old sugarcane train at the Central Azucarera de Bais, Negros Oriental. There are only a few of them left, and this one is solely displayed for tourism purposes. It's polished, painted a bright black, clean, and sturdy-looking. It's only the front part of what used to be a long train. There are still tracks every few meters, all over the fields, but we don't know if it's being used.
The design is definitely old Spanish, or just old but fascinating. You can instantly smell the genius of old industrial engineering, and how it helped the sugarcane fields flourish with its provided transportation.
The Baldwin Locomotives Works logo
The train is really just a preview. Only the engine and perhaps one cab. You can see sugar canes from behind. Production continues, but it's not as huge as before. Or maybe they just use other means to transport the canes. I saw several cranes lifting large square bundles of canes.
Small leaves growing into the trains and its tracks.
  • I'm not even sure why we went here. Probably because it's one of the closest tourist spots we can visit, coming from Dumaguete, without crossing the sea. 
  • We also visited  Tanjay Mangroves Boardwalk, Valencia public park, and up the hill from the city - the Tierra Alta with zipline and stuff. 
  • We were hoping to see the Geothermal Plant in Valencia but turns out they don't allow the public anymore to just drop by, you need a permit to enter.


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