Green Pepper

The Green Pepper at Ketchup Food Community is one of the restaurants offering diverse options from your usual Baguio fares. There's a very organic feel to the area. Upon entering the gates, local sellers of strawberries, grapes, and other local produce were positioned by the side gate. Expect groups of tourists who probably read about the place from blogs. The cool gusts of wind welcomes diners, as well as restaurant 'barkers', who, armed with menus, invite you to their respective restaurants for lunch.
Parking right outside the gates can fill up quick, but it can stretch far enough. You just need to walk more from your car to Ketchup Community entrance.
Inside, clean earth served as backdrop fro the tall trees and lush greens. Restaurant staff and Ketchup attendants keep the order of the place.
Fruit vendors
We chose Green Pepper because everywhere else was full. But no regrets, their food was delicious and consisted of a lot of greens.
From Green Pepper's entry, you have to step down the stairs several flights. It looks like a make-shift eatery, but after closer look, it's obviously meant to look that rugged, organic, or even natural.
I saw a lot of wood and GI sheets utilized as walls, ceiling, and partitions. The multi-colored yet vibrantly decorated interior was actually inviting enough. With pops of real plants and simple materials, the place was ultimately clean - which was one of the most important points when eating.
With a low fan blowing behind the counter, staff on duty were accommodating.
 Chunky Chicken Soup: Php185
Cordillera-smoked Tamarind Pork: Php350
Beef Steak: Php350

Price was reasonable. Food was good, tasty, with some fusion of flavors happening.

Green Pepper
Romulo Drive, Barangay Lualhati (Near Wright Park)
Baguio City, Philippines


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