Cupcakes by Sonja

 Sonja's Cupcakes definitely rekindled our affair with cupcakes. As most of us are used to brownies, ensaymadas, or mamon for a pastry dessert, Sonja's Cupcakes fortunately came to town and brought along its mouth-watering treats. Their Greenhills branch has a cafe-like atmosphere and a bit of a turn from their Serendra's whimsy, princess-y branch.
The checkered floors and royal chairs still reminisce of Sonja's dreamy, 60's bakeshoppe vibe.

One of the pioneer shops in Serendra, Sonja's Cupcakes adopts the '60s era style bakeshoppe. With the pinstriped window shades and interior walls, down to the baby blue-pink-white hues.
There are very few seating areas, and most of them are outside. Inside there is a long ledge by the window which acts as a table or counter, and a couple of matching stools.
Upon entering, the colorful counter on the right is filled with different flavored cupcakes. It must be overwhelming at first, but everything you need is there. 
Each creations are named, with the prices indicated. They also serve beverages like tea, coffee, soda, etc.
There are permanent cupcakes on the menu, and there are occasional ones as well, like this 'athletic shirt' cupcakes, just in time for football season.
But the most vital part of course, are the cupcakes themselves.
Everything is creamy, delicious, sweet, and definitely a joy to eat. The calories will melt away the sugary guilt, as it's a pleasure in every bite. Grab a bottle of water for you will need it.
 Red Velvet Cupcake: Php95
 Pistachio Berries 'n Cream: Php135
 Berry Delight: Php135
Mocha Motion: Php85
 Chocolate Surprise: Php90

Banana Monkey Cream Pie: P110
Choco Cream Pie: P120
 Cupcakes by Sonja box staring out the car window..

My favorites, hands down, are the Pistachio Berries 'n Cream, and the Choco Cream Pie.

Cupcakes by Sonja
Serendra, BGC, Taguig
Tel:02 8560308 /02 9152936


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