Strip: Ministry of Waxing

Strip: Ministry of Waxing, Greenbelt 5:
Strip is the only place I would dare to get a Brazilian Wax. I could have my brow thread or leg wax somewhere else, but never Brazilian.
The all-red walls seem porn-erotic, but the place is really safe and friendly. Attendants are fast and professional. Waiting time takes only a couple of minutes, especially if you have a reservation. Walk-in availability vary.
Brazilian Wax: Php1298
Inside the room, a fresh, thick towel covers the bed and another is rolled for the guest to use. You will be asked to remove your underwear and lie on the bed with the towel.
Store your belongings here. Pillow can be used for extra comfort.
The lights will not be dimmed and you will be exposed in all your glory. But as Strip promises, in 15 minutes it will all be over. I like how the person who does the waxing is so relaxed and certainly knows her job. Not a lot of eye contacts, but a lot of chatting to ease you up.
Waxing down there takes a little getting used to. A lot of guts get summoned and prayers are mumbled for courage, and even more courage to brave the unimaginable.
Strip uses hot wax. I was told that hot wax is harder to perform. It's better in terms of results, and only a skilled and trained professional could do it. That's the reason why others use only cold wax.
But Lay Bare would probably beg to differ. They happen to use cold wax and can give a couple of reasons why it's better. Anyway...
  • I like the short amount of time for their Brazilian Wax. 15-min wax time means only 15-min of pain
  • I have no doubt whatsoever about their sanitary procedures. Every stick used is tossed, no double-dipping.
  • Though it's pricey, and must re-do again after 5-6 weeks, I still salute to Strip.

Strip: Ministry of Waxing
4th Floor, Greenbelt 5, Makati
Tel: 5013997
Mobile: 0918-9478747


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