Legazpi City Tour

Legazpi City Tour, Albay
Cagsawa Ruins
Entry fee: Php10
It is a must to visit this of course. Come real early like 6AM because Mt. Mayon has a habit of hiding behind clouds around 8 or 9AM til dusk. Unless it's super summer, then you're good anytime. We I went to Cagsawa it was approaching 'ber' months so rain comes and goes.
From the city, its one jeep ride. Make sure to tell the driver you're getting off the Ruins in case you miss the road signs. Walk about a kilometer to the gates, or take a tricycle. There are souvenir shops before the gates selling shirts, delicacies, knickknacks, key chains, magnets, etc.. There's a nice garden upon entry, then the bell tower ruins, and from afar is the majestic Mayon itself. And a vast rice field between you and the volcano.

Daraga Church
Entry Fee
: free
Because some jeep routes are one-way in central Daraga, just ask around where the church is because some jeepneys won't pass directly on the church road. It is a steep hike from the street, passing through residential houses. A wide stairs by the left can be helpful and nearing the top the pathway is covered. Daraga Church overlooks the flatlands, and on sunny weather, is a perfect vantage point for Mayon volcano.

Embarcadero de Legazpi
Entry fee:
This strip mall is the newest landmark in town. On the 3rd floor is the Eco-Ellis Hotel. The colorful lighthouse is a marker for ships docking on the port nearby. The photos are, sadly, more impressive than reality. When I got there, there were litters by the dike, some on the ocean, I was disappointed. Perhaps it was because an event / celebration just finished and they haven't cleaned up yet. Still, the nice view is breathtaking. Visitors certainly enjoy taking photos by the terraces, especially on the 2nd floor where a lot of highschoolers come dating haha. They just pick a corner and snuggle. It's like make-out reef or something.
Lignon Hill
Entry fee
: Php20
This hill is just behind the airport, and from the hill you can perfectly see the runway. Takes only 1 jeep ride from Legazpi central. We even took a tricycle back to our hotel coz we were too tired to wait for jeep.

Still in Lignon Hill, this stairway leads to the Japanese tunnel. We passed. We hiked for more than 30 minutes, and I must say, this is probably the first ever hill or mini-mountain I have ever hiked with my own two feet, and I totally reached the top. Some ride cars and motorcycles, but we had no choice so we braved the slopes and embraced our sweats.
This is the hanging bridge, more than halfway to the top of Lignon Hill. There's a fee of Php50, I think, if you want to cross and take a photo. We decided, no need.
Top of Lignon Hill. There's ample parking slots. Stoned pathway and landscaped garden. There are souvenir stalls, food and drinks for sale, some tables and benches for quick rest.
Binoculars for close-up viewing of Mayon or whatever else you want to see. Php5 per use.
The zipline at Lignon Hill would set you back around Php250 to Php400, depending if it's off or peak season, or if you do the easy or the superman way. This was around 10AM already and Mayon's tip pretty much hid behind the clouds. It's also Level 1 (volcano warning) that time because Mayon was emitting smoke, which we thought were early clouds.
Albay Parks & Wildlife
Entry fee
: Php20
Hours: 8AM to 7PM daily
This zoo is interesting. There's not a lot of rare or exotic animals, but we did see a porcupine, owls, civet cat, ostriches, crocs, and a very interactive tiger, among others.
These boats are for rent, you can row across the pond to your heart's content. There are also bikes for rent. The park is spacious. There's a children's area with seesaws, swing sets, slides, etc.
This tiger was too cute. It was moody that day and would suddenly stop, lift his butt a little and aim his urine to people outside his cage. He seemed to hate loud visitors, as several giggling girls tasted the wrath of his annoyance. He got good aim too and managed to squirt someone. Good kitty.
Civet cat


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